My experiences and perspectives on living abroad in Italy.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Breathing Easier!

5:00am. Monday
Breathing in...
Breathing out...
Takeing a long deep inhale...
Then pauseing...
Exhaleing slow and steady...
Clearing my mind of the past couple days...
And inhaleing once again...
Savorying the calm still silence.
I have been working for the last 48 hours without sleep
I have been working for the last 48 hours acompanied by a blistering headache
I have been working for the last 48 hours gaining 20 new misquito bites
6 new bruses
and a pile of stressful anxiety.
8 hours later
And 7 completed assignments posted,
I break for 5min
Closing my eyes I welcome the feel of quite rest wash over me
Even if it is short lived.
Now that the balk of my classwork has been summited and my lungs are again recieving oxygen I can return to the whirling mayhem outside of the old homey library that has adupted me, and in return became my quite escape.
The American students will arrive soon,
Trying to keep my eyes open, mind alert and a smile on my face,
I will welcome them and help them locate their rooms and collect their books, only to take them out later tonight for a tour of Paderno. (So glad it's a small town)
Breathing in...
Breathing out...
Standing on the exhale bidding you ciao until later.

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