My experiences and perspectives on living abroad in Italy.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Mixed emotions running rampant!

Waking up this morning I was greeted by the swarming confliction of emotions.
Excitment rippled up my spine thinking of today's events,
But turning towards the tiny creature that was bumping her head against my hand my stomache fell.
I'm going to miss my home, my friends, and my four legged family members.
9 months seems so faraway,
so long.
I shake my head to erase all thoughts of worry and doupt, I'm going to have the greatest time I have ever had.
Thinking about the adventures to come further helps in driving away these emotions of uncertinty.
I can't wait to sit on that big silver bird watching as it's metal wings raise us into the air and slice through the crisp cloudes.

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